Oct 4 2004 - Oct 4 2004

Uncompromising Courage 堅忍不屈的精神

Uncompromising Courage 堅忍不屈的精神

Kathleen Gillis 凱瑟琳.吉利斯 Oil on Canvas  油彩.畫布 32” x 58” 英寸  2004
  • Oct 4 2004 - Oct 4 2004

This painting was based on the true story of Mr. Liu Chengjun. Mr. Liu was a Falun Gong practitioner from Northern China. In March of 2002, he was sentenced to 19 years in prison for his involvement broadcasting programs that exposed the brutality of the persecution against Falun Gong on Chinese television. After 21 months in prison, he was tortured to death. Demonic and monster like images on the floor represent the horrors he endured while in detention. He is bathed in warm, golden light that represents a resilient faith.




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