Gift 禮物

Mar 31 2023 - Mar 31 2023

Gift 禮物

Kathleen Gillis 凱瑟琳.吉利斯 Oil on Canvas  油彩.畫布 32” x 58” 英寸  2006
  • Mar 31 2023 - Mar 31 2023


A young girl of Asian descent extends her hands, reaching out across both generation and culture as she passes on an informational leaflet and a paper lotus flower, from which a bookmark sways below. Flowers above the lotus poetically imply the fecundity and beauty contained in simple acts of outreach and love such as this one. Items like the paper lotus flower are made by hand, each an act of creation itself by the likes of the girl depicted here. The lotus has the added significance of purity in Asian culture; its presence in Buddhist symbolism, as in the Falun Gong, is prominent.

