Sep 26 2019 - Sep 26 2019

Coming for You 為你而來

Jou Yishiou  周怡秀,Chen Xiaoping  陳肖平 Oil on Canvas  油彩.畫布 51”x 64”  英寸  2004
  • Sep 26 2019 - Sep 26 2019



This painting is inspired by a photograph taken of 36 Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world who coordinated a peaceful appeal to the Chinese communist regime on Tiananmen Square on November 20, 2001. Risking their lives, the Western Falun Gong practitioners from 13 countries traveled thousands of miles to  Tiananmen Square, and unfurled a banner with words in both Chinese and English, “Truth, Compassion, Tolerance”. This event has moved the entire world. The painting is a portrait of that moment. Moments after the photograph was taken, the practitioners were thrown into police vans, many were beaten and then all were expelled from China. In the picture, golden light shines everywhere. In both heaven and earth, all attention is focused on this historic moment.

