After The Parade 遊行歸來

Mar 31 2023 - Mar 31 2023

After The Parade 遊行歸來

Dong Xiqiang 董錫強 Oil on canvas 油彩.畫布 36” x 48” 英寸  2005
  • Mar 31 2023 - Mar 31 2023


A woman’s gazes manifests outwardly an inner calm that has survived the day’s events. Her costume—a traditional Chinese garment most likely made specially for the occasion— and the paper lotus flower cupped in her hand suggest that she has partaken in one of Falun Gong’s many parade. Such parades seek to share with spectators the beauty and grace that manifest through the practice, as well as the nobility and richness of China’s cultural heritage. In recent years many Chinese followers of Falun Gong have returned to their cultural roots, reaching back to a time predating communist rule and its devastation China’s cultural landscape. Many see in their costumes and performances the seeds of cultural renewal —a renewal that is paralleled by that in their own spiritual and personal lives. The vase at the left prominently displays the three Chinese characters: Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance. These are the virtues that facilitate such renewal and anchor the teachings of Falun Gong.

