The Netherlands: The Art of Zhen Shan Ren International Exhibition Touches Viewers
(Minghui.org) The Art of Zhen Shan Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance) International Exhibition was held in Bergen op Zoom in the Netherlands from November 22 to December 7, 2024, over three consecutive weekends. Thirty-eight paintings were exhibited in the Arsis Gallery of the Art and Social Foundation of Provincie Brabant.
Visitors were moved by the images depicting the strength of Falun Gong practitioners embodying the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance while enduring persecution. Some viewers also shed tears for the pain the practitioners endured, and some said that the paintings were of museum quality.

The opening ceremony for the exhibition in the Arsis Gallery of the Art and Social Foundation of Provincie Brabant in the Netherlands.

The official website of the monthly newsletter of the city of Bergen op Zoom in the Netherlands, introducing the art exhibition (website screenshot)

A local news website based in Bergen op Zoom introducing the art exhibition (website screenshot)

Visitors view the paintings.
At the opening ceremony on November 23, Maarten van ’t Hof, Chairman of the Arsis Foundation, and Peter Hoben, Director of the Stichting Cultuur & Traditie [Culture and Heritage Foundation], each gave a speech. They explained that the art exhibition has been shown in 50 countries and 900 cities over the past 20 years, and they are proud to have the opportunity to hold the art exhibition at the Arsis Gallery.
Chairman of the Arsis Foundation: Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Is the Strength to Uphold Belief

Maarten van ’t Hof, Chairman of the Arsis Foundation, said in an interview: “I read the relevant reports about the art exhibition, and I was deeply impressed by the ideas of Falun Dafa.
“Freedom of speech, news, belief, and artistic creation is very important to our world. As a local politician, I will not succumb to any pressure from powerful forces. Otherwise, I will fall into the situation of being persecuted by the Chinese government as shown in the paintings. My friends and I are very satisfied with the art exhibition and support it. We also hope to lead more cities to hold art exhibitions, because it is worth it.”
Mr. van ’t Hof said that he saw the power of faith in many of the paintings. “You can see that there is persecution, sadness, grief, and all kinds of feelings here,” he said. “Despite this, you can still see that they do not succumb to the persecution. From some paintings, you can see that those people stick to their beliefs. Every painting has a story, and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is the most impressive part I found in all these paintings.”
Peter Hoben, head of the Culture and Heritage Foundation, said in his introduction, “This exhibition originated from Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa. This is a spiritual belief pursued by millions of people around the world. Falun Dafa’s principles encourage people to let go of unhealthy attachments and align their lives with the universal values of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.
“There are Falun Gong practitioners in many countries, and they are not alone. We are very happy to be able to make a small contribution to this [practice] through this exhibition.”
Painter: The Mission of Painting Is to Convey the Truth

Hennie van Rig is a realistic painter who has her own painting website and teaches. She praised the paintings one by one, saying that they were so beautiful and they were all high-level art. She said that the messages they conveyed were deeply touching, especially the positive energy that moved people was everywhere.
“The work ‘Who Am I’ is so beautiful,” she said. “It is a masterpiece of art. It has a story in it. It makes you feel happy, and it is more like something that breeds hope.”
She pointed to the painting “Imprisoned Dafa Practitioner” and said, “These people [the police] are in the dark, while the most important people are in the light.” She said, “I can hardly look at this [a detained Falun Gong practitioner], it makes me cry. Thank you. It is really touching. Every work of art is [touching].”
She also said that she felt the power of faith from the painting “Unshakable Faith.” “When a child is wronged, you comfort her; that’s the feeling. The power of faith always supports them. The eyes of the girl in this work are saying, ‘I am strong. I will persevere,’” Ms. van Rig shared.
Finally, she said with tears in her eyes, “My heart hurts. I know that this is what really happened, but not many people know about it. I think the mission of these paintings is to convey this truth. They [the paintings] bring the message of the truth here.”
Photographer: The Art Exhibition Is Impressive

Rene Adrianse is a photojournalist. He plans to submit the Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Art Exhibition and the message behind it to the media so that more people can learn about it. He said that the exhibition left a deep impression on him and moved him. He said that letting more people know the truth is what he wants to do. because this exhibition warns people that they must be vigilant and fight to protect their rights and freedom.
Standing in front of the painting “Uncompromised Courage,” he said, “The hand and the light are the sacred aspects, and also display the aspect of spiritual power. Seeing them [Falun Gong practitioners] enduring torture shocks me, and it is so scary. The strong message of the whole painting is deeply impressive.”
From his perspective, Mr. Adrianse felt that the artists are very professional and the work could be compared with museum-level exhibits. He gave an example: “For example, the Falun banner embroidered by the old lady in the painting ‘Noble Task’ is even more touching through the message conveyed by the story of the painting.” He said that these works should be exhibited in the national museum or other places, because they are also meaningful in terms of today’s realities.

Trudya Vrolygk enjoys painting very much. She saw that the stories expressed in each painting were so vivid, and she could empathize with the persecution suffered by Falun Gong practitioners. “It is a pity that this persecution is still happening. I feel sad about it,” she said. As a painter, she is very sensitive to women’s skills and feelings. She said that the painting of a mother holding her child and concentrating on reading moved her very much.
Original article from Minghui.org: https://en.minghui.org/html/articles/2024/12/9/222004.html
Short Link to Original article from Minghui.org: http://new.cm/za019